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Example: Simple OSA Driver

For this example on how to get started, we'll be looking at a simple measurement using an Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA). We will need to do two things:

  1. Implement the measurement in a new measurement class which we will call ReadOSA
  2. and interface the OSA via the instrument driver class called OpticalSpectrumAnalyzerAQ6370C

This how-to describes the coding of the simple driver for the OSA. For this example we will use the Yokagawa AQ6370C model - it will be interfaced via the instrument driver class called OpticalSpectrumAnalyzerAQ6370C. It implements the instrument driver matching the measurement written in the Measurement coding How-To.

You can find the final file of the instrument driver at LabExT/Instruments/ We encourage you to read this code file in parallel while we explain the various parts here.

Instrument Manuals

At the beginning of writing an instrument drivers, you should search and download the user and programmer manuals for instrument in question. For the AQ6370C, it's the following two files:

Now we are ready to implement a sub-class of Instrument as our driver:

Instrument Driver

The point of an instrument driver is to offer a Python class which implements single or groups of SCPI commands in its properties or methods. Common operations on the instrument should be grouped together so they are easily accessible in LabExT's measurements.

All instrument drivers are subclasses of Instrument. You only need to implement any instrument-specific functionality. Let's start by writing the three most basic members: __init__, open and close.

Basic members


def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # call Instrument constructor, creates VISA instrument
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.sens_modes = ['NHLD', 'NAUT', 'MID', 'HIGH1', 'HIGH2', 'HIGH3', 'NORM']
    self._sweep_modes = ['SING', 'REP', 'AUTO', 'SEGM']
    self._traces = ['TRA', 'TRB', 'TRC', 'TRD', 'TRE', 'TRF', 'TRG']

    self._net_timeout_ms = kwargs.get("net_timeout_ms", 30000)

The constructor takes *args and **kwargs as arguments. *args includes the VISA address and (optional) channel, **kwargs miscellaneous other parameters (such as a specific timeout or gpib address). We pass those on to the parent constructor which initializes the instrument instance and sets various member variables. Then we define ourselves certain members for later use. In this case we'll create self.sens_modes (which includes the sensitivity modes the OSA supports), self._sweep_modes (sweep modes the instrument supports) and self._traces (same). Note that the latter two are private and will only be used within the class. We also extend the (in the parent constructor created member) self.networked_instrument_properties and add the names of all the member functions. (We're getting ahead of ourselves, we'd normally add these after having implemented them.)


We call the parent member open and then add any additional functionality we need. The Yokagawa OSA requires different terminators than standard, so we set those. Furthermore we need to follow its authentication procedure which must run as such: write 'open "anonymous"'; read 'AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5.'; write an empty string, read 'ready'. These instrument specific settings and procedures can all be found in the instruments programming manual.

    def open(self):
        Open the connection to the instrument. Automatically re-uses any old connection if it is already open.

        :return: None

        self._inst.read_termination = '\r\n'

        authentication = self._inst.query('open "anonymous"')
        ready = self._inst.query(" ")

        if authentication != 'AUTHENTICATE CRAM-MD5.' or ready != 'ready':
            raise InstrumentException('Authentication failed')


We do not override the close method as the Yokagawa OSA does not require any specific steps to close a connection, so we don't need to implement close but simply inherit it from the parent.

Instrument-specific functionality

The rest of the instrument driver class can be coarsely divided into two categories: properties/setters (set or query instrument parameters/settings) and execution routines (set up and run something on the instrument). We'll implement an example for both.

property/setter: centerwavelength

To query the current center wavelength, we can use the request method from the Instrument class. The corresponding SCPI command is :SENS:WAV:CENT?. Responses are sent as strings, so we convert to float. The OSA returns values in units of meters, we internally always use nanometers so we convert by multiplying with one billion. Additionally we add the @property decorator.

def centerwavelength(self):
    Returns current center wavelength [nm].
    :return: center wavelength in nm
    return float(self.request(':SENS:WAV:CENT?')) * 1e9

To set a new center wavelength, we use the command method from the Instrument class. The SCPI command is :SENS:WAV:CENT <wl>nm where <wl> corresponds to the new center wavelength in nm rounded to three decimal places. As an precaution, we check whether the new parameter is in the valid range for our OSA model and by using the command method of Instrument which includes error checking functionality. Additionally, we add the @centerwavelength.setter decorator.

def centerwavelength(self, centerwavelength_nm):
    Sets center wavelength
    :param centerwavelength_nm: wavelength in nm
    if not 600 <= centerwavelength_nm <= 1700:
        raise ValueError('Center wavelength is out of range. Must be between 600 nm and 1700 nm.')

    self.command(':SENS:WAV:CENT {center:0.3f}nm'.format(center=centerwavelength_nm))


The rest of the properties (span, sweepresolution, n_points, and others) are implemented in a similar manner using their respective SCPI commands.

method: get_data

These routines can be implemented just like the property/setter above. Simply lose the decorator. For example, to query the data collected during a run of the OSA, we would proceed as such:

  • set the correct data format self.command('FORMAT:DATA ASCII')
  • query the x-data self.query_ascii_values(':TRAC:DATA:X? <some trace>')
  • query the y-data self.query_ascii_values(':TRAC:DATA:Y? <some trace>')

As the OSA returns the data in pure ASCII format, we use the query_ascii_values method from the Instrument class and save the returned data either to a numpy array or a list according to our preferences. Additionally, we do any needed unit conversions.

def get_data(self):
    Get the spectrum data of the measurement. Units depend on the setting on the instrument.
    :return: 2D list with [X-axis Data, Y-Axis Data]
    # Make sure the correct data format is used
    # set data format to ascii
    self.command('FORMAT:DATA ASCII')
    # find the currently active trace
    act_trace = self._active_trace

    # get the wavelength data of the active trace in ascii format
    wavelength_samples = self.query_ascii_values(':TRAC:DATA:X? {trace}'.format(
        container=np.ndarray) * 1e9 # data is returned in unit [m], we want it in [nm]
    # get the power data of the active trace in ascii format
    power_samples = self.query_ascii_values(':TRAC:DATA:Y? {trace}'.format(

    return [wavelength_samples.tolist(), power_samples]

Aside from the get_data method, the driver also implements the run method: It triggers a single wavelength sweep and waits until the instrument finished acquiring data.


Finally, we have to adapt the instrument.config of LabExT. Let's assume we have one of these Yokogawa OSAs attached on the network at IP As described on the configuration page, we extend the instruments.config OSA class section with the following line:

{"visa": "TCPIP0::", "class": "OpticalSpectrumAnalyzerAQ6370C", "channels": []}
As described in the remote control manual of the OSA, the network interface runs with over a simple TCP/IP socket on the port 10001. In the class part, we write the name of the driver class we just wrote above.

Don't forget to load your new instruments.config in the Settings -> Instruments Connection Debugger menu!