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Standalone (No-GUI) Measurement

If you want to use a LabExT measurement outside of the GUI (e.g. in scripts), you can instantiate a measurement object, provide the needed instruments and start the measurement by calling the algorithm function. manually. The API will then check whether all instruments and parameters are set, and start the measuring process. This is for example done in all unittests written for the measurements, c.f. LabExT/Tests/Measurements folder.

A code example on how to run a measurement standalone is given here:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# import instruments and measurement classes
from LabExT.Instruments.LaserMainframeKeysight import LaserMainframeKeysight
from LabExT.Instruments.PowerMeterN7744A import PowerMeterN7744A
from LabExT.Measurements.InsertionLossSweep import InsertionLossSweep

# define instruments
instrs = {
    'Laser': LaserMainframeKeysight(visa_address="", channel=0),
    'Power Meter': PowerMeterN7744A(visa_address="", channel=2)

# define parameters
params = InsertionLossSweep.get_default_parameter()
params['wavelength start'].value = 1190.0
params['wavelength stop'].value = 1195.0
params['sweep speed'].value = 0.5

# setup return dictionary
data = InsertionLossSweep.setup_return_dict()

# run the measurement
meas = InsertionLossSweep()
meas.algorithm(None, data=data, instruments=instrs, parameters=params)

# do something with the data
plt.plot(data['values']['wavelength [nm]'], data['values']['transmission [dBm]'])